Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cyclops Pig

Some say the pig came from the mountains, other say it was naturally born from the other pigs, come to find out the pig didn’t belong to nether of the pigs at all. The pig has one eye, no nose and no tail. The farmer says that he never seen a pig like that before and people are having second thoughts about the pig that maybe its not a pig at all. The farmers in Florida, took care of the one eyed pig for three days, why for three days you might ask? Well unfortunately the farmer died, when the police found the body in the woods, the farmers eyes were gone, same thing happened to the other farmers who had the pig for three days and also died, but the one eyed pig would ether be in the pig pens or right by the farmer who died. Nobody found the killer or killers who did this to the farmers. But people had a suspicion that maybe the one eyed pig could of did this, but the police didn’t believe no one did.    

Now today as we speak the pig could still be out there eating people eye balls out of there head, but know one really knows were the pig could be. So if you find this one eyed pig, get as far away from it as you can because in three days of taking care of it, you die with your eyes out of your head.

the animal eater

There  once was  this  guy who stayed in this trailer he only comes out when  the sun is down  but  his trailer was in the woods. So this one guy had went camping and realize this trailer but he didn’t think to go in there but he just looked at it for a good minute then he went hunted for his meal. So he went to the lake to catch fish and he caught one but he heard this sound in the bushes so he started to get sceared as he walked towards the bushes then he looked in them and this guyed said what u want Some. 

Demon Baby

The origin of the beast dates back some years ago in the mountains of Indonesia. One humid night in the village of Tun Getzu, a woman now pregnant for 7 months was undergoing rapid stomach pains before she passed out under a tree in her front yard. The Elders of the Village rushed to her aid discovering that her water broke. They then carried her to the temple in the middle of the town, everybody gathered to witness the birth of her baby.

The prophecies had been expecting the birth of the baby for thousands of years.  Seeing as the mother had no intercourse with any man, or at least claimed she didn’t, the Elders believed that the baby was a demon summoned to earth. While others didn’t believe the Elders predictions and thought that the woman was a drunken whore who lied and rambled to people about stories of evil things.

The elders had to heavily sedate the woman with special leaves to kill the pain and prevent her from remembering what happened before she gave birth. When the baby was finally delivered the entire crowd went silent, a few people even passed out when their eyes focused in on the baby. It was covered in blood with a pale yellow tint to its skin tone. It was almost as if he was turned inside out, it appeared as if some of his internal organs were wrapped around it’s stomach.

It almost looked fake with red snake like eyes and a body that got smaller and smaller from the shoulders. People that were just arriving even thought it was a hoax because it was unlike anything they’d ever seen. The type of thing that’s hard to believe (Mr. Schmit) at first, but then, all of the sudden, it began to move. More and more people began to get nauseous and leave, some dropped to their knees and began to pray.

The baby began to wheeze with long choppy breaths. One of the elders approached the infant with a bottle of goat milk. They then cut the umbilical cord and held the baby in a blanket. The baby drank from the bottle for about ten seconds and then regurgitated the liquid and began coughing. 20 minutes later the infant died. Most people looked at it as a burden but the majority of the elders believed that there was a significance of demon related powers associated with the child. 

Last Study

  The Last Study


One day at a nearby college campus two freshmen students were in their intro to physics class. The Professor told the class that they had a huge test the next day. One of the more popular of the two friends was more of the party animal. She got invited to a party that was going on that night. She told her close friend that there was a party and that she should go with her. Her friend turned down the offer and decided just to study for the test the next day. So as class went on She just flirted around with her date that she was going to the party with, and her friend just kept taking notes for the test. After school the two friends went home. She spent her time getting ready for her date, and her friend continued to study for the test they had. After several attempts to try to get her friend to go to the party with her she gave up and went. She had a great time at the party and went home around 2 a.m. She went straight to her room and saw the her friend was sound asleep. She decided not to wake her and went to sleep. In the morning she noticed that her roommate hasn’t moved since last night and tried to wake her. When she turned her over her face was covered with blood, and so were her notes for her class. 



There was a girl that was coming home from a late might party. She was tired, so when she got home she went strait up to her room and went to sleep. Her mom was going up to her room when she heard her daughter screaming. The mom opened the door and tried to wake her up, but she couldn’t. The daughter was mumbling about how she couldn’t escape from a man chasing her with a chainsaw. She could see the panicked look in her daughter’s face and ran downstairs to grab the phone to call for help. By the time she had returned her daughter was a wake screaming with her left arm cut off.


Have you ever had a dream that came true?

By: J V

Quick Dry

"Shes still breathing"

One night, a 17 year-old girl had came over to her friends to have a “all girl sleepover”. After having a fierce game of “pillow fight”, the girls cool down and thought of playing a “truth or dare” game. She was up third after the other two had both pick truths that came out really embarrassing answers, which made her want to try a dare. Thinking the dare wasn't going to be hard, the girls dare her to go on a streak across the block and back for $50 in cash. So, once they went out into the cold snowy street, she was only wearing a big blanket. One of the girls said they done this before, saying “hold your breath and you should be back anytime, remember don't breath”. The girl took off the blanket trying to hold her breath and ran across the dark snowy street, naked. Her friends waited for her to come back but she never did, thinking that she must of just ran straight home (3 blocks away). The girls went back into the house, pissed.

Next day, the girls are woken by the doorbell, once they open the door an decapitated arm, drench in blood, hanging on the door while holding a note. The note said “shes still breathing”, she  was announced dead by the  P.D. over a failed mission of search and rescue. Yet, the teenager's friends still dramatize of the whole situation, they start to hear the girl's breathing every time they close their eyes. 

       If you repeat the words “don't breath” while your eyes are close... actually, I dare you.... I'll give you $50......

Written by Jovante W.

The Long Distance Phone Call

            Once upon a time there was an elderly woman that receives a phone call on a dark , stormy night . She hears a moaning in the other end and a voice that sounds like her recently diseased husband. The calls torment her all night. The next day, she ask her driver to take her past the cemetery where her husband was laid to rest. They discover that during the storm, a phone line had fallen down… and was laying on her dead husbands grave! Where the phone calls she had received the night before made from beyond the grave by her dead husband? Another variation of this has the women dying from shock in her bed after answering the phone call. Then, when she is being taken to the cemetery it is discovered that the phone line is laying on her husbands grave.

Thumbelina, the smallest horse

My dad’s grandpa owns a horse ranch, and he has owned one for almost 15 years. He has breed many horses, and has won town fairs for his horses, which are always in top shape and good looking. About 5 years ago one of his mares gave birth to a miniature horse. They named her Thumbelina because she was so small. She is 17 inches tall and weighs about 60 or so pounds. The doctors have confirmed that she has been diagnosed with dwarfism. When my family went to go see him, they told me that Thumbelina liked playing with his dogs other than the other horses. She is able to have babies but he does not want to. We all think she is very special in her own little way. She’s even in the Guinness book of records, which she got recorded in, in 2006.

By:Alex H

"the movie"

The Movie


My girlfriend and I decided to go out one night to the movies. The movie we saw was called “The Follower” now before the movie began it said that the movie was true and most people who watch this wouldn’t want to go to sleep after the movie. So we watched the movie and the people in the movie theater were frightened by this movie. Well after the movie was over we went to dinner and discussed the movie and how real the movie seemed and how creepy it was. My girlfriend said it seemed like we were in the movie. Now in the movie this couple went out to the movies and dinner then went out and came home to find that there apartment was covered in blood and body parts. When they went to call the cops there was a recording that said if you call the cops you would be next. So we got done with dinner and headed home only to find out that our front door was wide open. We walked in and there were blood and body parts everywhere. My girlfriend was freaked and wanted to call the cops only when she picked up the phone there was this person who said “if you call the cops you would be next” she hung up the dialed 9-1-1. It rang and the 9-1-1 responder only herd when she answered…  

“your next”

By: Jeremy K. Arsenault II

Itchy Crouch

A young lady went to see her gynecologist because she had constant itching in her crouch over the last few days. She was confused because she never had sex with anyone but her boyfriend, but was suspicious and scared that maybe he given her the claps. After the doctor examines her he tells her that he will have to report this to the police.

          The doctor told her that she has maggots inside her monkey and the only way that can happen is if she or her partner is having sex with dead people. She looks at the doctor with horror and whispers, "My boyfriend works in a morgue!"


Have it your way

        There was once a young couple that stopped at a fast food restaurant on their way back to campus for a rest stop. So they pulled into the parking lot, but it looked like it was closed so the driver said he would check it out and get them their orders. He went up to the door and it opened he walked up to the counter but no one was there. Just when he turned to walk away a suspicious looking woman said ‘’may I take your order’’? He turned around and asked for two coffees and a cheeseburger. The woman then went to the back of the kitchen and began making a lot of noise. After getting tired of waiting for his order he yelled into the kitchen ‘‘how much longer is it going to be?’’ The woman answered not much longer, but can u give me a hand? He was hesitant but went behind the counter where the woman asked him to go into the walk in freezer for his meat and on the floor of the freezer he sees the bodies of four employees. Just when he turned to run away he was stabbed in the back.

       In the car his girlfriend was getting tired of waiting so she walked into the restaurant and sees no sign of him. She asks the woman at the counter if she has seen her boyfriend and the woman tells her he’s in the bathroom but she can take his order from the counter. While waiting for Jake she bites into the burger and is surprised by how different it tastes from usual. So she asks if there is something different about the burger and the woman replies ‘’its fresh meat.’’

Amityville Horror

August 5th 1978, a family of 5 was found dead in their California home.  The suspect was the nephew of the father that was in the house.  No one knew why he did it exactly, but what the found was the family, dead in their closets with bullet holes in their heads. The nephew was sent to an insane asylum where he later escape just to go back to the house to shoot himself dead the same way he did with his family earlier that year. They say that his soul still haunts those very halls of that house and that any man that lives there will go insane and try to murder his family the same way Ronald did.

 November 7th 2006, a newly married couple along with their 2 children moved into the exact same house the Lutz family lived in back in the 70’s, the exact same house that Ronald DeFeo killed his 3 cousins, his aunt and his uncle.  This family was known as the Bailey family, they were originally from Columbia Heights, Minnesota.  The household was led by Jeff Bailey, who lived along side with his wife Meme, and their 2 sons Taylor and Jason.  Everything was going fine at first for the family but soon Jeff started renovating the basement which is where he found a cellar way in the back and as he went in he found a whole bunch of torture tools that were there from the 1700’s.  Jeff would constantly go down to the cellar to work on projects and to check the torture equipment. But the last time he went down there he started hearing a voice, it was the voice of Ronald DeFeo.  The voice repeated the same thing every time Jeff went down there, it would say “Catch’em And Kill’em” He tried escaping the voices but they only seemed to get louder and louder.  The voices had soon engulfed him, and later the next day as the police arrived to the house for a domestic disturbance, they found Jeff dead in the cellar with his wife and 2 kids dead in their closets.. with bullet holes in their heads. 

Michael, Michael, Michael

Recently in a small Minnesota town, a group of girls were having a sleep over. They came upon the idea of exchanging scary stories. One girl shared a story she had recently heard.            

            The story was about a man who had gone crazy and ended up killing his whole family. The man’s name was Michael. Apparently, the police found his entire family killed, with trace evidence indicating he was the murder, but Michael was never caught. Some say that he took his own life, but others claim he's still out there.

            One of the young girls claimed that if you went outside and yelled his name three times he would come to you. The girls laughed, but were also concerend. Each of them had heard the truth about the murders and knew the gruesome details of the deaths. None of them believed they were in danger, but just talking about it made them nervous.

When the night switched from ghost stories to truth or dare they were all relieved. Of course one of the girls was dared to go outside and call out "Michael" three times. The girl didn’t want to seem fearful infront of her friends, so she accepted the dare. She went outside while all the other girls watched from the window. The girl with fear, yelled Michael three times exactly. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a man. She looked up at the window to see the girls. They were all screaming something and pointing out towards her. She was terrified.

          She ran to her car and locked the doors and then saw a man moving towards her. She screamed at the top of her lungs. As the man came up to the window she could hear him trying to ask her something. “Miss, did you order the pizzas?” 

by taylor

Adoption Abduction

There was a 16-year-old girl who was eight months pregnant. She traveled to an adoption home four hours away, because she had been hiding her tiny baby bump under baggy clothing and her pregnacy from everyone, including her parents. She was hoping this way no one would recognize her. When she finally arrived she was introduced to a lady who worked there. This woman seemed very caring and kind and told the 16-year-old girl not to give the baby up for adoption until she's really thought things over and talked with her parents. She seemed to speak as if from personal experience.

After the lady was done talking the young woman seemed to reconsider. The woman then asked how she had made the four hour trip from her hometown, the 16 year old told her she caught a bus. The woman smiled and asked if the girl needed a ride home or anywhere else, the young girl with tears in her eyes from the kindness she was receiving said, "yes."

The young lady got into the woman's car and as they drove her eyes became heavier and heavier, no matter how hard she fought to keep them open. The next morning she woke up only in an unfamiliar room in a tub full of ice, she didn’t know how she got there or anything, she was so confused until she sat up and saw a note, then she was only scared, the said “YOU DON’T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT GIVING THE BABY UP FOR ADOPTION, It'S ALREADY GONE”



Bad Breathe


There once was a man that was on the road and he had to use the bathroom. So he stopped at the nearest gas station. When he was done using the bathroom there was no toiletpaper, there was just a strange whole in the wall with a message written below it. It said after you were done using the bathroom simply wipe your bottom with your hands and put them in the hole after which they will be licked clean by a women’s lips.

With no toilet paper what other choice did he have?  So he wiped his rear-end with hands and then placed them in the hole. When he did so they were immediately struck with two bricks causing the man to remove his hands from the hole and place his fingers directly in his mouth.

by: Martel Lee

The Blue Baby

A group of girls over heard about the blue baby. The girls didn’t believe it would happen. They heard that a girl named Laura went to her bathroom with the lights off and closed the door. Laura pretended to rock a baby. She chanted the phrase “Blue Baby” thirteen times. All of a sudden a baby appeared in her arms and scratched her.

Laura was scared and had no idea what to do. She wanted to drop it and run, but was afraid of what might happen to the baby. She looked up into the bathroom mirror and saw a woman screaming “GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!!”. The next day Laura was apparently found dead in the bathroom. If you don't give the woman back her baby, she will appear and scream as loud as glass breaking, "GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!!!" If you have her baby, she will kill you. 

Cindy Vang

Night Boat

Late one Halloween night a boatman had to deliver some trade good down the Mississippi river, but the fog that had set in that night had caused problems. That said, he had to get the goods to market for the next day and he wasn't going to turn back now. In the distance the boatman saw two lights, he assumed that it was another boat in his direct path, but they shined red. Sounding his alarm the lights came ever closer, and soon the lights were no longer alone, a lone figure stood behind the lights. A figure with claws the size of butcher knives, two of the sharpest rams horns ever seen upon his head, and the tail of some great lizard. The figure crept closer and closer. As the figure came closer it seamed to float on top of the water. The figure moved its grotesque mouth in to what seamed like a smile, showing his small, shark like teeth saying “the Devil rides tonight”.

The apparent Devil's eyes grew even brighter drawing in the boatman’s gaze. With the wave of one of his hands a black and red hole appeared behind the Devil. Guiding the boatman into the hole that had appeared behind the figure. Leaving the boatman never to be seen again. So next time your alone on a creepy Halloween night keep your eyes shut.



              by: Dario Hammond

New Drapes for the Livingroom

In Wisconsin there was a very strange family. People from the closes town claimed they very rarely saw the family in the town limits and hardly remembered seeing the when they drove by the house either. One night when they were have dinner two travelers stopped by their lonely house to ask for some directions. Supposedly when the home owners opened the door the two travelers saw that the whole house was decorated with human skin and body parts. These two travelers never left the house. This home was discovered by local law enforcement when neighbors complained about an odor. The family that lived there was never found...



               There was once a man who loved going hunting. He would always go deer hunting in the winter. One day during December while he was looking for a deer in his tree, he spotted a big one. The man got so excited he shot the deer twice. The animal fell and appeared dead.

           The man got out of the tree and went to get the deer, suddenly the animal opened his eyes and started attacking the poor man until he died. The next day they found the dead body in the forest without knowing who killed him.


Sweet as Honey!

There was once a lady who lived in a house. This lady was married to a man whose only true love was his bees. This really made her mad. She was often heard warning, “That if he doesn’t start appreciating me as much as those damn bees I’ll leave him.” When he heard this, he never thought too much of it because she said it many times before.

One night when he was sleeping his wife went into the hive, and smoked all the bees so she could handle them.  She then brought the bees to his room and opened the cages. A few days passed and no one heard from either the man or his wife in a while so people grew suspicious , their neighbor came back and checked on them. When she knocked on the door it slightly opened up and she walked in. She went to the room where the husband and wife lay, only to find out that when she opened the door all the bees stormed out of the house, causing the neighbor to run out of the house too. The husband and wife were dead in their bed.  They say you can still hear the Bumble Bees buzzing around in the room that they lay.

By:Joseph Castillo

The Man Bitten By A Vampire

As told by a Washburn student
My uncle Jay owns a few horses. He keeps them at stables in Shakopee, MN. One Day my uncle brought a friend out riding with him. They were out all day long. It was quickly getting dark out. Suddenly my uncle’s friend felt himself being bitten on the back of his neck. He pulled whatever was biting him off, and discovered that it was a vampire bat, the only kind of bat that bites humans. Scared about rabies they sped to the hospital after putting the horses away. Once at the hospital doctors ran some rabies tests on my Uncle's friend. They discovered he an unrecognizable case of rabies. They gave him several possible treatments and asked that he return in a few days for a follow-up. After a week my uncle went to check on his friend back at his apartment. When he arrived he discovered that his friend had animal carcasses all over, and they appeared to be sucked dry. I guess he figured out his own way to handle his problem.

By: Emma Dimond