Every other weekend a group of teenagers would go down to the local graveyard to mess with Earl, a man that they called the "grave digger". they always use to to move his tools around and play tricks on him so that he thought he was hearing ghost from the graves, but it was really the teens. Finally, one of the teens came up missing and was never found. Since then the teens never went to the graveyard again.
............Years later they found the missing teen, dead with one of the grave diggers tools in the side of his head. he was laying next to a grave and Earl was never to be seen again.
However, if you're brave enough to visit that graveyard, you'll teens laughing and Earl's footsteps chasing them away.
The urban legend was way to short. The writer sure add more to this story. And it didn't have enough info like how the teen was killed?, why did the grave digger killed the teen?, what happen to the grave digger?, what happen to the other teen?....